Acceptance to the Art Department is a two-step process. You must apply for acceptance into the University. Then, if you are applying for a B.A. in Art & Design, submit an online portfolio. If you are applying for B.A. in Art History, submit a writing example.
Step 1: Apply to the Catholic University via the Common Application
Catholic University is a member of the Common Application Group, and all first-year, transfer, and international applicants are required to complete the Common Application by the appropriate deadline. By clicking the Common Application button, you will be taken to the Common Application website. More information about Catholic University’s admission process can be found here.
Step 2: Submit a Portfolio or Writing Sample
Students interested in applying for a B.A. in Art & Design should submit a portfolio online. A portfolio of 5-10 pieces of your best original work of any type or medium may be submitted. Students with an interest in the B.A. in Art History should upload an exemplary writing sample of 1,500 words or less on a topic related to art, art history, or art criticism. These materials should be uploaded through the following web portal: